average reading time: 16 minutes
Gabriela posed the pen in his notebook the beating of his heart were so intense that I could almost hear, "made a desperate attempt to control the trembling of his hand horrible as long as the score-o scribble-less supposedly objective observation based on the sordid scene he witnessed: Doña Leonora, an old squat and plump, with a repressed violent pangs ears Paco, his son, a boy, very tall, medium build, with small eyes and eyelets whose voice had a mocking tone that seemed serious.
- Quiet, Paco! Quiet ... quiet! "Said Dona Leonora, as she violated her pain with a twisting rod of cartilage, forcing him to sit in the uncomfortable seat of Douglas firs, and knew what was happening when their beloved offspring became excited, and this time did not want anyone getting hurt.
"I told him, Doña Leonora," said the blond, sturdy, ruddy Butten Doctor, with a temper that obviated their professionalism while adjusting his glasses, I can not prescribe more medicine to your child what he needs is for the domestic here in the hospital.
- No, Doctor! I love my Paco. See it, how I want! I can not leave here alone What would he do without me? Doña Leonora replied with an air of sadness, stroking her cheek the deranged boy sitting at his side, who will correspond with a stupid smile and loving.
Gabriela's beautiful and frightened, almost shivering with fear, staring at Paco, which he imagined as a large breed dog, playful, maybe a Great Dane, a point exposing the first symptoms of rabies.
Suddenly the big man suddenly stood up bursting into a kind of panic that blew out of their seats to those who were in the room.
- Mama, mama! Pipi, pipi! -Paco started screaming in despair, muttering his words as if he had no teeth - Pipi, breast, pee!
- What's wrong? Asked Dr. Butten exalted.
- Nothing! Do not panic! It gets that way when you go to the bathroom! Doña Leonora said, trying in vain to reach the ears of his son, while he, restless and elusive, he began to unbutton his pants.
- Get him out of here before we urinate at all! Altered Butten-ordered all practitioners, including Gabriela which had been frozen marble statue.
Gustavo-a low rate and stubby-together Manuel, another fat that was twice his partner in every sense, "joined forces holding each arm of the disturbed bladder saturated. Paco waved his left arm forcefully, making throwing the least of his captors to the corner office, making it drop and roll a couple of times as if it were a bowling ball.
Manuel did not break so easily made, so Paco and crotch with something wet, awkward but then began to beat strongly in the face. In the struggle until Doña Leonora, who took pains to help control his son, received a strong slap from his cherub that completely discounted. He seemed to clutter the scene of a wildlife documentary that showed a dispute over food among chimpanzees.
Finally, the great Doctor Butten was launched with all their forces on the lunatic, attacking the neck with his strong arm, thus, with the help of lacerated Manuel, cornering crazy to the wall, which did not stop struggling and screaming inconsistencies while still pissing in his pants.
- Call the nurse! Gabriela, do something for the love of God! Butten cried inflamed, red as a tomato.
Minutes later, after downing Paco with the help of an injection, compared with a screamer Doña Leonora, a couple nurses walked away with the troublemaker on a stretcher, sedated and smelly of urine.
"I apologize," said Dr. Young Butten while managed-what you saw here is something that happens frequently. I made error changes a lot. I blame my mysophobia, plus I really worried when I saw the patient began to beat Manuel. By the way, are you okay?
"Yes, Doctor Butten ... thanks! "Said the big fat boy, bruised and with a trembling voice.
- And you, Gustavo, you okay?
"Yes, I'm fine ... Meekly replied the trainee squat.
-It is recommended that meetings with individuals suffering from schizophrenia, in this case the disorganized type, are always carried out in the company of at least one colleague ... Butten said, while posed a stunning look on Gabriela, who blanched at a more pale than his own white skin. Miss, you understand that being a female is not considered prudent to put a patient struggling with altered, but next time try to be more alert to such problems. If he had taken a little more to call the nurses that could have resulted in anything serious. Am I clear?
- Yes, Doctor, a thousand apologies! "Replied the girl, embarrassed, with signs of tears in her dark eyes.
After violent incident that Gabriela could not help thinking how lucky I was the "whore" of Maritza, the classmate who had gotten a position to do their internship in an elegant clinic where problems were dealt with anorexia and bulimia. Insurance had won approval of that fallacy flirting with the supervisor in charge. In contrast to them had touched the psychiatric hospital in La Esperanza, which, being public was the worst place you could assign a student of psychology to meet this graduation requirement. All for not getting an alternative to time!
suddenly entered the office a huge, ugly, rough and whiskered nurse Butten only greeted with a solemn nod.
"Not bad for his first day of practice, is not so young? Ruddy said the doctor, with a joking tone and somewhat friendly. Please continue to nurse Truie-gestured, pointing to the woman, her assigned tasks for the rest of the day. Back tomorrow morning with me, and continue treating and studying patients in the outpatient clinic. Have a great day!
- Follow me! "Commanded the nurse Truie students with a voice beery, typical of a sergeant.
Gabriela, Gustavo and Manuel, very nervous and wrapped in a pale close to that of the mimes, the grotesque woman followed by the La Esperanza. His body language made them be alert to any possible aggression of various internal celestial robes roamed around. Some walked like zombies, while others seemed angry and gesticulating wildly without a word, as if arguing with the air. Produced an effect that seemed magnetic, gravity-like it feels to stand on tiptoe on the edge of a abyss. It was as if the air we breathed in the vicinity were toxic to sanity.
"That's the spoiled Truie said, pointing to a beautiful girl with bright eyes and big, her hair loose and disheveled, who was next to a lighted window with the arms folded and staring outwards. Patients will have the nickname ... "continued the nurse with a touch of irony, waving his thin mustache speech, which further impairs the features thick face and distracted their partners," but his real name Patricia Argueta.
- Why tell the brat? Gustavo asked.
Truie The nurse smiled a smile that horrible mustache arched her party. Had an expression as if waiting to ask him about the crazy nickname.
"Ms. Argueta suffers from dissociative identity disorder ...
- Multiple Personalities? Gabriela asked.
- Right, Sabiondo! "Said the sargentona scornfully. She has two personalities: first, the recommendation is a very sweet and gentle girl, the darling of his father, three sisters ...
- And the second? Gustavo asked impatiently, making Truie generate new mustache arched expression.
"The other personality corresponds to that of a sadistic and violent woman who murdered twenty stabbed his own father," replied the nurse, still smiling. So with her eye!
spoiled As if I had known they were talking about him, turned sideways in the direction of the group of students and nurses, intimidating with his incisive look Gustavo, who gave a big gulp of saliva by the shock of that impression.
"The hospital is divided into two major sections: the men and women, which in turn are divided into areas according to the state of each individual, starting from the people who are here for a simple problem of legal issue to those who suffer from chronic mental illness ... "explained the nurse while continuing progress.
Suddenly a hand cold and harsh, like the tongue of a dead cow, she clung tightly to the forearm of the chubby little guy in the group, causing the student a huge shock that made her heart beat so loud as if he had inflicted a powerful and transient electric shock.
- You're beautiful! Make love! "Asked a silver-haired old Gustavo.
did not have to be a student of psychology, let alone a psychiatrist, to realize that this old lady's mind was not placed in this dimension.
- Lady Perez, behave please! The young man here with us this will work temporarily, and you know you should not mess with the medical staff nurse reprimanded Truie the hut.
- I just want a kiss! "Demanded Mrs. Perez, a smile of synthetic teeth with a terrified and sweaty Gustavo, who clearly had no idea what to say to get rid of the problem.
- I warn you, Mrs. Perez if he continues bothering a staff member going to have to inject!
Truie authoritarian tone overcame the libido dream of the old woman who finally let go of Gustavo, but not before an eye wink and blow a kiss in the air.
- Thank you, nurse! "Said the fat tone of relief, clutching his chest with his hand.
"It's my job to ensure that inmates behave, "said the big woman sharply. Now, please, settle into that office and you will assist the area manager of elderly patients.
That indication was that Gustavo reacted with a puzzled grin, thinking that there sure was a risk to meet again with the geriatric nymphomaniac.
- What do you expect?! Enter the office and say that I assigned the post of assistant in the place, "concluded Truie, by running quickly and obedience to the chubby to the right place.
The tour continued, went through the dining room, the workshops where they were given less disturbed patients and the occupational therapy section for male inmates. The nurse assigned to Manuel Truie a position close to the entrance of the cave of drugs and went his way and only in the company of Gabriela. Soon both started to cross a corridor that was seen much less enlightened than any other section of the hospital. Immediately the smell harsh and insulting, coming from the surrounding cells place, wrapped the nose of the student. Aroma was a mixture of human excrement, sweat, alcohol, blood and who knows what else. Some minor soliloquies, groans and sobs could be heard from time to time in the environment. However, the footwork in walking from the nurse alerted the inhabitants of that passage, which, the faint sounds became endless screaming, beating on the metal doors, swearing and litanies that made a terrifying and deafening symphony , Dante's own tunnel.
Gabriela narrowed eyes, raised shoulders and her hands to the ears, lingering as he struggled not to stay immobilized panic.
- Follow Me! Do not be late! Hurry! "Ordered Truie, annoyed by the reaction of the student.
gallows reached the end of the corridor where they found a narrow, dark office lit by the dim light of an old bulb.
"Your new office miss, "said the nurse callously pointing with a gesture within that chamber of death.
- Will I be here alone?! Gabriela asked with wide eyes.
room with the nurse in charge of making the rounds in this area. The problem is that he did not come to work today Truie said smiling, then her face grew stern again and continued. Your role will be to keep track of medications and therapies that they provide to patients in this corridor, as well as report any problems or issues that they present. There you have a stack of files that you can order to start.
- Is not gonna leave me alone, do you?! Gabriela asked terrified.
"Of course, if I can not sit here wasting time Contemplating, I have business to attend to. I'll call to tell you when it's time for lunch.
- Wait! Gabriela shouted. Eh ... do not have chronic patients isolated their cells? You know, not so much ... hurt or make noise.
- Ja, ja, ja! How deluded you are! Do you think the state funds in this country reach for that? Forget it, and you will get used, generally do not fuss and we usually heavily sedated, but that is handled by the nurse, and as I told you not come today.
retired nurse, again causing the mad hubbub among occupants of the cells. Then, a few minutes, all was silent, and that the end was even more terrifying than the noise from the beginning. Gabriela, his hand trembling, took a record of the pile and began to read the data from the first page:
Patient: | Antonio Cuevas. |
cell assigned: | 17-B |
Diagnosis: | indifferential Schizophrenia. |
Comments: | The patient is aggressive and very unstable. Catatonic state happens to frequently explosive, especially against people of females ... |
PUM! PUM! PUM! Three with very strong blows to the nearest cell, and a loud laugh that rang with an echo almost demonic, made the poor Gabriela scare was compressed in the chair, releasing the record on the table as fast as if it had been lit on fire. The girl stood with knees drawn to chest and head in his hands to stifle his cries.
* * *
One, two, three days, with the same terrible happened to that routine. Every day was hell different: in the morning, the parade of events that came to the outpatient clinic like ghosts from beyond the grave: the nymphomaniac retarded, the man who ate nails until they bleed fingers, the Indian copper and shaggy, he hallucinated the Siguanaba and also thought football star, the guy who confessed to a desire to kill his wife and children. Then came the tour of the area of \u200b\u200belderly patients, whose follies were sometimes confused with senility, and finally, the passage through the rocky corridor of the chronically ill hell every day somatic stronger doors, as if tear them down to get to rape Gabriela and then eaten alive. Setting penalties for the nurse in charge of the place had been suspended due to illness and was not presented at that time.
The dark-eyed girl could not stand it anymore! That afternoon stopped shaking, he stood up automatically, deep breath, close out of the office and started swiftly through the horrible passage saturated crazy busy. Attached to the chest wearing your notebook, but he fell from a tremendous shock that caused a strong SOMATOM she heard passing by the door just in cell 17-B. He did not return for him rather quickly to get out as quickly as possible there. Passed through the office near the entrance of the cave of drugs, the nurse was there scolding Truie Manuel severe and humiliating, but that did not matter, he walked prey to a kind of trance. Then came outside the room, where he witnessed the exact moment that the hard bit spoiled a nurse's hand that had touched on the shoulder, to which he reacted screaming pain first and then asking for help to the harsh pressure jaw that gave him crazy. Gabriela was a little frightened, but he continued. Later he saw the lady struggling with Gustavo Pérez, repeatedly trying to kiss him on the mouth. The student continued to advance, indifferent to everything, his mind blank, without the certainty of knowing where he was going, until it passed through the office door of Dr. Butten just as he was leaving it. Practitioner stopped and stared at the doctor mature eyes flooded with despair and longing, covered by a veil of determination proclaimed their willingness to do "anything" in order to get rid of that orc.
* * *
Gabriela lips wrapped with a glans cadence thick, bright red, it sucked and caressed with a care that occurred a strange delight. He repeated the process several times until, late in better spirits, began to engulf the entire penis of Dr. Butt, who was delighted with the feelings that provided the spectacle, and even more excited when the practitioner, at times, posing your eyes look sexy black pearls on it, while sucking his dick.
After a few minutes, huge hands roamed fascinated Butten pale and smooth the skin of the buttocks of Gabriela. The stretcher was placed on four legs on the desk and her ass majestic tiptoe curves, firm and perfect, so to offer an angle suitable to the psychiatrist to penetrate without mercy for her wet, hot and shaved vagina. Striking image that seemed to the doctor as the perfect therapy to cure-or even to produce "any kind of craziness.
Butten his penis pierced, covered in latex, this delicious shell with the ease of sinking a hot knife through butter. His pelvis full of blond hair began to crash repeatedly against the buttocks of Gabriela, who arched his back in each attack, panting hard and licked lips taste. Never had a cock that filled both. Although I had not thought possible, I was really enjoying this unethical and "liberating" fuck.
Dr., clinging to the long, thin waist of the practitioner, also stimulated by the looks sensual and lewd that it did when he turned around to see him occasionally, he could not resist any longer and began to spread profusely, releasing a number of bullets that hit his seed firmly into the rubber tip of the condom. In the midst of ejaculation began to growl like a pig that choking and her face became even redder than when it submitted to the forearm to Paco, the mad pisser of the outer query.
While the psychiatrist retrieving the air, and faded out with the member and with the condom still held the same, almost overflowing, noted that Gabriela, eyes closed, biting lips and kept raising the buttocks slowly and rhythmically, arching her back slightly by way of reflection. Butten Concerned by the dissatisfaction of the girl, sank a pair of index and middle fingers knuckle-up within practitioner's vagina and began to drill that pussy look forward with great speed and intensity, starting with his loud cries choppy action of pleasure in his victim.
Gabriela, before this relentless string of finger penetration, achieved a tremendous orgasm that touted a sharp and sustained shriek, which fortunately did not go through the office of Butte, since have spread through the hospital would have altered more than a dozen lunatics.
The doctor sat down exhausted and satisfied in the chair, looked at the practitioner and said
- Uff! Can I have the ballot completion of practice when you want, honey. After that you have earned not only my company but also my recommendations. Congratulations! What will you do now?
Gabriela did not answer, got up, took her panties, pulled out another condom from the open drawer of the desk and went to a psychiatrist with a sensual walk. He knelt before him, he removed the condom used and wiped his penis with the pledge he had in his hands.
"I'll apply for work in any of these clinics to treat problems of bulimia and anorexia. At the end of the day, with this I just do believe that I have the right profile to it, "he finally said the girl.
- What do you mean? The psychiatrist asked, startled at the strange response and the unusual behavior of the practitioner.
"I understand," said Gabriel, as he began to suck his penis again Butten, managing to harden immediately.
- What are you doing, Linda?! Do not worry, I'm a man of his word and I will cumplirte, it is not necessary that you both dedications.
- ummh! This goes free, Doctor ... I'm glad I got rid of this hell, well, this cock I was fascinated as he has no idea!
The girl then put the condom on the doctor sensually with her mouth, then sat on it, not before hand put the tip of the penis at the entrance to her vagina to stab in the fall. In the end both were face to face and began to move with a violent swing.
* * *
A few hours later, the practitioner left the office with her purse over her shoulder, her hair down and a smile that gave him an expression rather vulgar as to put the sluts they reach the end of his daily tasks. Butten waving goodbye to the woman's hand and left, stomping and swaying with the utmost security and speed, drawing the attention of all staff and a close male-and missed-Gustavo snogged who happened to be walking by. The psychiatrist, in the midst of a prolonged sigh, watched the girl walk away satisfied. Suddenly, from across the room, he saw Truie who watched him smiling. They greeted bowing his head with a look of complicity, as saying: "Everything went according to plan."
"It's fascinating psychology of fear. These practitioners are so predictable, so easy to impress, it is enough to give a scare to come running to give his ass in order to escape, and then some therapy to find a whore repressed within themselves. Never ceases to amaze. It always works, "thought Butten, shaking his head slightly up and down.
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