average reading time: 4 minutes .
I was what is usually classified as a ... well, now that I think I do not know a word to describe someone who hates all living beings equally, without differentiating between animals, plants or humans. That was me, I hated everything that has life on this planet, but now consider myself lucky just a misanthrope.
Do you think I am now not very different than it was before? But yes! Now there is a species on Earth, as you well know, which I am an amateur, and my hatred of humans is higher than previously professed. I say this without getting sentimental, I do not wish to shock anyone.
What if I realize I am a human being? Hahahaha! I do not suffer self-esteem issues, some will say that I hate as much as everyone else, but my theory is that I've never really been human. Do not look, I know it sounds crazy, but I suspect that at one time was an intergalactic criminal, a kind of ruthless terrorist who murdered in cold blood to entire civilizations. The guardians of the order of the universe finally caught me, and as punishment erased my memory and I was confined to this planet full of people stupid. Hahaha, kidding, kidding! I'm not crazy, nor was an intergalactic criminal, but I do believe is that people are stupid beyond belief. That is frightening not only me but also depressing.
Anyway, before I found my true vocation I was a nobody, an office that was exploited in a company located on the outskirts of the city, along the coastal road, it forced me to drive four hours a day, two-way and two back. This issue was killing me, because humans show their stupidity more avidly when transiting. Let us put ridiculous religious beliefs aside, the fact that they spend the money they have not, the habit of electing governors of imbeciles like them to distort the language of inventing words mixed with English words, they have unwanted pregnancies and that shit in the world in which they live. All that is left behind compared to the follies and stupidities committed when they moved from one place to another.
The leading one hand, they are always faster than allowed, do not use pidevĂas or emergency lights, exceed bend, climb on the beds if you are not near a return, via lead against in order to save time, do not respect the ranks and then they're mistreating and making bad sign. There are some vehicles that overload I have seen motorcycles in which you dad, mom and a couple of kids. Incredible, right? Once even saw a girl in the back seat of a motorbike, who instead of holding force of the waist of the pilot, I read the most quiet. Yes, and I read the book I took it with "both hands! Oh, it goes without mentioning the order of activities carried out while driving, ranging from talking by phone to breakfast cornflakes with milk. The limit is your imagination.
Now for pedestrians, it is important that you discuss this species also inferior to explain my point. They are reckless shit! Is that, or your fantasy world created indestructible. Crossing busy streets up to four lanes during peak hours, to a crawl, making bullfighter dodges while smiling as mentally retarded under the influence of amphetamines. The worst thing is they do this under the runways. His laziness, or stupidity, or a combination of both, have forced municipal authorities to construct wire mesh at least a hundred meters long under the bridges mentioned, so we can prevent these morons that endanger their lives miserable. Ja! Be surprised to see a week of installing the nets they made huge holes through which it is a "person." And here is my point: one day I was returning very late from work, depressed and disappointed in humanity again, with twins so numb drive-speak of the muscles, not the testes, but also those brought well, I had an epiphany, it was something that left me stunned: I saw a dog -Yes, a magnificent mutt street, medium, patialbo, with some parts sheared, "using the runway to cross the street! He was alone!, I remember very well, had learned the value of something that was done for human arrogance. At that time really knew what was the only species still worth on this planet, and that's how my love was generated by the dogs, to the point where I became the president of the association that is dedicated to protect them this country.
exceptional dog That helped me make sense my life because I was never so happy with what I like now. When I pass with my truck at the point where I first saw Max, and baptized him, "look carefully at both ends of the runway in hopes of locating the venue to take and give life to the king that he deserves for being so intelligent. But I never saw him again, the only thing I am sure about him is that never die struck.
And that's the story, my friend, please edit as little as possible this interview and tell the readers of his newspaper in Europe and inspired us so ridiculous who live in Third World countries, where every time you lose hope.
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