average reading time: 3 minutes.
Fernando did not know whether to laugh at the stupidity that Mary had said, his servant, or give a strong shake campion provided all the ignorance that pervaded the brains. Suddenly felt as if he had made a trip back in time to the Middle Ages.
- What my son did what? Asked the magician, holding her baby wrapped in tears, perhaps with the ridiculous hope of getting a sensible answer or a clarification of what had just heard.
"I tell you it" ojiaron "sir, and that they warned him that if the lady took out the baby the street will put a red bracelet, pa 'protection. At least it should cover her face and not let anyone kiss her.
"Damn retrograde culture. Evil Eye! How is it possible that a superstition of that caliber has survived for so long? Fernando thought. "
"For the love of God, Mary, do not you Catholic? Do not you have said is a sin to believe in magic?
"Yes, but as the saying goes, pattern, we should not believe or disbelieve. Also, why do you criticize me if he spends doing magic all the time? Are not you afraid that one of these days earn it an evil spirit?
"What I do is not magic as such, are nothing but tricks ... Arrrgh!, Do not know what I'll tell you, honestly I do not think you can argue immersed in your syncretism.
- "Without thought what? Asked the maid frightened, as if Fernando had said a magic word to induce a spell, only cross himself lacked.
The magician closed his eyes, swallowed, snorted. It felt disgusted, the stupidities of Mary, combined with the overwhelming cry of your baby, you were piercing the serenity. With the air of patience finally asked
- What do you think a pediatrician would tell you if you go out with the nonsense you're telling me?
- Ah, boss, I am surprised! Remember that doctors only serve to make the track one, plus they do not reveal the appropriate remedy for this.
Fernando, looking on, he settled the baby in her arms as if to leave one free to slap Mary. However, he stopped and proceeded to call doctor to schedule an appointment, despite the risk of being "cheated".
The days passed, and the magician was increasingly surprised to note that many "people" shared the belief that it is used. Whenever he commented on the constant cry of his son, and after discarding the most common causes of that reaction, dirty diaper, air locked, cramps, hunger, etc .- the above, as if they were experts in detecting the symptoms of a poorly known, concluded that perhaps the child had been "ojiado."
The remedy proposed by the majority was as follows: it was an egg wrapped in a blanket leg which previously had passed between the legs of a virgin, and then rub it on the patient's body during prayer time lasted seven Our Fathers. If the above was done correctly, and in fact the child had been the victim of an evil eye, when breaking the egg yolk should come out black. It was also possible with peppercorns failing, but in this case depended on whether they were thundering conclusion to be thrown into the fire.
Although he had recommended a lot of witches with experience in the field, and its wife in the midst of despair, and was willing to try, Fernando never yielded to the execution of that nonsense.
Over time, the ear drops the doctor prescribed pain healed the baby, until one afternoon calm the child woke up crying abruptly. Mary came back with chacota the evil eye, so Fernando, tired of the situation after lull the baby to calm him, he went to his workshop and chose several items as if preparing for one of his acts of magic. He put on his jacket with long sleeves and went to the maid, being in front of her looked at her with a face of terror and said
- Mary, do not move! A spirit today announced that has been the victim of an evil eye!
The maid, horror, jerked her hand to her mouth. Fernando, with grace, he drew from his sleeve a hen's egg, which began to rub her maid on the forehead and temples while uttered in a tone of incantation, the words "ignorant, syncretism, estupidísimo ". The egg soon turned black, the magician brought to the table and making a few passes with his hands and opened it, before the astonished eyes of Mary, he out a small cake of shit, obviously a toy.
- Have you seen? That was the problem, "said the magician with a sneer," the worst is that I will reach the eggs to cure them all.
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