average reading time: 3 minutes .
- Jessica, stop please this madness must end now, that drug is still experimental and rejuvenating You should not abuse it! "Said the scientist, wounded and lying on the floor.
The poor man waved one of his hands, which, in turn, tried to hide what was happening before their eyes: a young woman transformed by a painful metamorphosis into a hideous creature that resembled a wasp. The result, rather than scary, it seemed ludicrous to many members of the small audience who watched that movie in bad quality full feature preview. It was all so ridiculous several burst into hysterical laughter.
With that painful memory, on another of his many failures film, Brenda Watson was awakened by a slight trance. He was preparing to enter the scene, and suddenly had remained static, seen in the mirror as if in front of a stranger. I could not believe his nickname Bug Girl, made by its customary share of horror movies and science fiction related to all vermin and insects, had given the money necessary in order to "rescue" her career.
"Five minutes to start, Miss Watson, "warned the wizard behind the door of the clubhouse.
- Got it! "She said with a trembling voice.
doubt again invaded his mind. Had he made the right decision? He remembered how much I thought before accepting the role of Harriet, in "Collective Intelligence", which is about a teenage nerd , fond of entomology, who discovers his capacity to control the minds of the flies, and uses that power to lethally charged abuse and taunts of the bullies and popular girls in school. That sure was a good movie, maybe the only good, a real blockbuster, his rise to fame.
The sequel was also good, at least in economic terms, but critics gave him so many injuries as the flies that were stuck in the throats of the victims of Harriet. Besides Brenda pigeonhole in such roles, this course successfully dragged the dark side of show business: he knew the parties, made influential friends, began in drugs, alcohol and wild sex. To maintain his lifestyle had to accept many dubious roles in stupid movies that are completely out of the tangent. Suddenly was seen as an actress second, Bug Girl, a victim of the whims of Hollywood.
- A scene, Miss Watson!
As he walked on the set thought the worst part of your life, perhaps to give some encouragement to continue what he was. There was proud of his two arrests for drunken driving and drug possession, or the many times he entered rehab. You goosebumps remembering the poverty levels reached, as when he had to spend evenings in grocery grocery feeding with free samples of products the hostesses offered in trays. The place was now was indeed much better, could not return to take up signing autographs at conventions for freaks or make presentations at birthday clown acting as spoiled children. No! Now had a feeling like what she remembered and dignity.
The director made the introductions between Brenda and the partner with whom he had to work. In it's eyes lit up and greeted her with a handshake and a smile. "At least people in this environment is very nice," Brenda thought, before taking off the gown. Seconds later she sighed, and did not know whether to laugh or mourn at the thought that perhaps at some future would make a documentary of his life.
- "Everybody ready? Shouted the director-Lights, camera ... action!
- Why do you say the Bug Girl?
- Ummmh! I think due to my addiction to suck these huge, succulent worms, "said Brenda while playing his character, Hardiet, with a lascivious voice. Then he bent down and got his partner's cock in the mouth.
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