Friday, March 25, 2011

All About Frequency Of Satellite

My friend and her daughter junkie drug

junkie My friend is the father of a girl . My friend is very happy junkie in Spain there are no laws that prohibit children into bars. So my friend can go with his drug addict girl of four establishments where people are drug . It is very comfortable for my friend junkie, which is separate , go with your child to the bars. My friend junkie could get high at home. But is not the same. Is not the same being drugged at home watching TV and your daughter looks at you wondering what happens his father , to be in a pub surrounded by other addicts with whom talk about these issues so important that the debate drug addicts in his lucid parliaments. And of course, my friend junkie, when lost in the intricacies of their favorite bar, leave the girl alone, surrounded by hanging of drunken of traffickers (one of them, indeed, with accused trends pedophiles often boast of the "petit comité") of pimps of pimps and ladies of dubious morality and nothing dubious habit addict. A company ideal for a child of four years. Especially when you consider that my friend pulled up junkie the four o'clock with her daughter in bars. That is, until the money runs out or until you run out of drugs. C'mon, there's always drugs when you know look. And my friend if you know junkie go get it! Both know to look for a family member died of overdose few years ago. I wonder how many of the drug that killed his family he sought my friend junkie. Meanwhile, while I wonder why my friend junkie takes his daughter every weekend (when rightful custody under the sentence of separation from his wife, also a drug addict by the way) and pulled to the bars have a good time drinking, smoking and sipping joints cocaine through the nose. My friend is very happy junkie living in Spain, a country where these behaviors are not frowned upon by the authority. Well, my friend junkie sometimes complains government and its Palestinian scarf around his neck, speech, or attempt to do so, I know not what high concepts. When he finishes talking, or when mind goes blank, my friend runs the service junkie sniffing bar another line. Meanwhile, his daughter four years, alone, surrounded by drug addicts, is waiting in the bar bar. Lucky for my friend junkie living in this country.


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