Sunday, March 6, 2011

Pestle Analysis For A Salon


Mario Vargas Llosa:
Celtic's dream
Vargas Llosa is the prize award. Since beginning his career in the 60 rare is the occasion that were not agreed to flatter him and tell him how well he writes. And by the way remind us, the poor readers who look forward to a writer to enlighten us. Llosa's latest novel is to enlighten a lot, why fool. Man uses the same formula as used in previous works, that is, a historical novel that seems at times a story. With technical report, using meticulous documentation and with a little imagination, this book Llosa reconstructs the life of an idealist that ultimately was a traitor to his country. What things happen. The book is too big, too big, too expensive. And as the latter publisher did not seem enough, and taking advantage of the coming Christmas and that Mr. Llosa had given him nothing less than the Nobel Prize, go and take out a hardcover edition that costs you almost as much as the rising price of light. That is, to piss and not take the business drop than the Alfaguara publishing must set the Peruvian English citizen. But Llosa can play their cards right, what doubt. Now it is fashionable bullshit this historical novel, the man gives the public a historical novel written better than average, which for him, a veteran in the office, there is little mystery is over well with the peasantry, always eager, the peasantry, comfortable to read stories and do not think too much. The novel has blood, is murder, it is abuse and violence in spades. In this Llosa moves like a fish in water. But one gets the impression that the writer repeats that he no longer has much where herds after many years of publishing books. The writer Llosa gets older. This may be the penultimate or the antepenultimate novel that leaves us. For there are other far better than theirs is. In the meantime see if we get any level writer, because of course the thing is not to shoot rockets.


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