The Aleph
Borges was a philosopher who played storytelling. She played with the readers as his powerful mind allowed the luxury of seeing them from above, from paragraph kingdom. He wrote his stories and who knows too good to stoop to such things. Therefore, the tales of Borges can not be read as if they were just stories. Are much more. A book of barely two hundred pages to dozens or even hundreds of readings, is saying a lot. But one gets more than six pages of Borges's complete works of many authors. One can understand García Márquez, emulate Julio Cortázar, Javier Marias imitate , dissect threshold. However, Borges, any attempt to approach from the literary world is doomed to failure. And that is because Borges was not writing literature. Hers was something else. Lo Borges was the finest scholarship in the service of supreme delusion. In others it may seem cumbersome and pedantic, in Borges is shipped with an astonishing naturalness. Quotations in Latin, German, English, references to medieval philosophers, heretics to Muslims, Christian martyrs, to pagan idols, Viking legends, mathematical paradoxes, twists and turns metaphysical alchemical invocation, the whole universe. Even in a seemingly fantastic tale as "The Immortal" is a reflection of another movie: HP Lovecraft. And oddly enough, by imitation, Borges far exceeds the American writer capable of evoking these unreal worlds that walk by those who have been touched by the hands of the gods. In "Emma Zunz" we are told a vengeance. So any best-selling American author would use as a pretext for a brick than a thousand pages, Borges goes and what airs on just eight, and over eight pages, as already noted, inviting to be read again and again, because each word, every comma, every blank space mesentery is a strain on the thousands of nuances, parallel stories. And throughout the book. Fourteen stories are much more than that. Theology, Philosophy, Science, Physics Relativistic. Everything is here, as in the Aleph, which includes this world and all worlds. Everything is contained in this volume.
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